jen's yusuf al-kaysani/nicolo di genova fic recs

yusuf al-kaysani/nicolo di genova

  • greater love has no one than this by Jack_R (‘You are a shame to your countrymen and the lowest of the low,’ Yusuf said, ‘and your mother copulated with a dog.’) 
  • with great patience and careful instruction by Jack_R (Niccolò was, Yusuf liked to think, a sort of an acquired taste.)
  • the sun is trying to kill the moon by AndreaLyn (“Where,” he hisses, leaning into Andy’s space, “the hell is Nicky?”Andy doesn’t flinch even when Joe gets up close, his anger unrestrained. She lets it all wash over her before settling her coffee cup on the table. She’s staring at him like he’s the one with a problem, as if he’s gone crazy. “Joe, I don’t know who Nicky is.” The science community unveils successful time travel and the very next morning, Joe wakes to find that no one knows who Nicky Smith is, other than him. Faced with the prospect of a life without Nicky, Joe will stop at nothing to get him back.)


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