jen's marta cabrera/ransom drysdale fic recs

marta cabrera/ransom drysdale
  • I Hope This Whole Thing Didn't Frighten You by impertinence (Ransom gets out of jail. Marta's not so happy about it.)
  • A Hunger That's Insatiable by impertinence (Instead of talking Marta through evading investigators, Ransom goes for the path of least resistance. It leads straight to the courthouse.)
  • Knives In by anomalation ("Family is who you choose to let hurt you." -Harlan Thrombey Marta's dealing with the aftermath of her inheritance. Ransom's in jail. One way or another, they start writing each other letters.)
  • If I'm Haunting You, You Must Be Haunting Me by mardia (It seems horribly fitting that when Marta’s soulbond arrives, it’s in the most absurdly ridiculous, horrible way imaginable. It involves the Thrombeys, so of course something that should be wonderful just ends up being terrible in the end.)


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