jen's ryan bergara/shane madej fic recs

ryan bergara/shane madej
  • the devil went down to buzzfeed by blackice [What Ryan needed was an opposite, someone who was comfortable in shooting down the very idea of supernatural, ethereal beings. Someone who could stare a demon in the eye and think: nah.]
  • the summer is ended and we are not saved by anarchetypal [Ryan drops the holy water gun with a shout and stumbles back, fueled by blind panic as he turns and sprints past their sleeping bags for the attic door. Behind him, he hears Shane sigh almost calmly despite his flesh still burning. “Don't— C’mon, seriously, do we really have to make this a whole thing— You've seen horror movies, you know how this is gonna—” Apparently still annoyed, he breaks off, and the door in front of Ryan slams shut on its own. Ryan skids to a stop and reaches for the knob, rattling it ineffectively. “Shit, shit, shit—” “So many horror movies,” Shane says, voice much closer now, and Ryan spins around. “I’m just saying, can we not make this a thing right out of TV Tropes, you know, that’s just boring for both of us.”]
  • Keeping Out the Cold by blacktofade [After a strange ghostly encounter, Ryan and Shane begin sharing visions via a telepathic bond. AKA: the In Your Eyes AU that no one asked for.]
  • Another Bad Habit by blacktofade  [Shane has a thing for virgins, which Ryan just so happens to be.]
  • #blessed by thehoyden [Of course Shane would rather not work; he’d like it to be like the good old days, and who wouldn’t? But a demon’s gotta eat, and he can’t even get a discount on his rent because it turns out it’s a lot harder to influence faceless companies with ominous dreams. Ergo: gainful employment at Buzzfeed.]


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