jen's t'challa/bucky barnes friendship fic recs

t'challa/bucky barnes friendship
  • Recreational Fighting by neversaydie ["So you just… meet up and fight?" Sometimes Steve thinks Bucky is the weirdest person he's ever met. And he's got exactly zero room to talk, so he must be a pretty extreme case. "We don't exactly meet up." Bucky shrugs, sipping his frappucino as delicately as it's possible to suck what's essentially ice cream through a straw. "I send him some shit to rile him up, then I turn my GPS on and he usually shows." "To fight." "Pretty much." "Is that why you came back from Home Depot an hour late with your shirt missing last week?" "Well, it got blood on it. No amount of club soda was getting that shit out." [Bucky likes to fight HAM and T'Challa is here for that.]]


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