jen's deadpool/wolverine fic recs


logan howlett/wade wilson

  • your fool in this game for two by abillionstars (“Have you ever lived with anyone before?” At Wade’s question, Logan pauses to think. Scratches his balls for a second, and says, “I lived at Xavier’s school for a while, before I left. Lived in a clapboard boarding house about seventy years back. A couple of times, I slept in a park with other people nearby. Do those count?” “That was a rhetorical question,” says Wade. “Some might even call it an accusatory one. Mostly because—dude. I’m a fucking mess. But you’re even worse.” (two loser loners, falling in love.))
  • the great and noble antechinus by snailmeamail (“You,” Logan answers, “taste like shit.” He spits the rest of Wade’s blood out the window to his right, as if to further make his point. “That’d be the cancer, jackass.” The still healing hole in his neck whistles with a chuckle. “Guess they don’t got sensitivity training where you’re from, either.” Logan hums, amused, despite himself. He shifts his weight; only then does the warm and hard sensation tented across his knee make itself apparent. He doesn’t have to look at it to know it isn’t his--but he’s not that far behind, not now, with the implication of it. “You sick fuck.” It’s Logan who laughs this time, albeit dryly. “You’re gettin’ off from this.”)
  • Buckle up, baby by rOdentcore (They fight in that Honda Odyssey, they fuck in that Honda Odyssey (and maybe they are a tiny bit in love))
  • The Folly Of Playing Gay Chicken Too Hard (Phrasing) by GayLord3000 (Deadpool has to try to figure out if through making too many gay jokes he has gotten into a relationship with Wolverine.)
  • the future’s open wide by markofalover (Logan doesn’t know how he got here, exactly—but he guesses it was sometime between their whole shtick in the Honda and when he realized he would be more than okay with sacrificing himself if it meant Wade could have this again. Loud, chaotic family dinners on a Friday night.)
  • oh my god. do you ever shut up, pal? by mikaminato (Wade," he barks, "what can I do to make you shut up? Just for five minutes." "I dunno, cupcakes, but I think this is a pretty impossible mission you gave yourself. Mission: Impossible." Wade laughs, "God, gotta love that movie though. Tom Cruise is a babe, even when he's old. I loved him as Lestat, by the way. Did you see that movie—" Logan grabs Wade's jaw and presses his thumb against his mouth. "Shhhh." Wade looks at him and nods slowly. His fingertips are still on Wade's lips, and Wade looks pleasantly shocked that Logan chose not to punch him to shut him up. Logan did consider it, but a more peaceful approach seemed to work better. He doesn't know if it's the way his shushing came out strangely hoarse, but for a moment, Wade is quiet. He stares at Logan with slightly widened eyes, and the moment stretches on until the bastard sucks Logan's finger, coating it with warm, viscous saliva.)
  • You’re all I want to strive for and do a little more by Curupia (He wasn’t in love with the guy. Some wires had gotten crossed, is all. Adrenaline, fear, elation, anger, pain… all of it had coalesced into a miasma of emotions that swirled around in his chest in the aftermath of destroying the time-ripper and had latched on to the only other solid thing around. That thing just happened to be Wade Wilson. He’d been in enough fucked up situations to know that near death experiences tended to mess with the brain for a bit. They made people do reckless shit like confess their secrets, fuck people they shouldn’t, even declare their sudden and undying love. It was chemical and it was psychological. It wasn’t real. The feeling would pass. He just needed some time. Logan realizes he might've made a terrible mistake agreeing to go home with the guy he's maybe sorta kinda fallen in love with. Especially since said guy literally just saved the entire multiverse to get back together with his girl. Didn't he?)
  • both arms cradle you now by FlowerCitti (He doesn’t want Wade to die. It’s a realization that makes his knees feel slightly weak, locking with adrenaline to keep himself standing at all. He doesn’t want Wade to die—he’s lost so many already, too many people who dared to get even a little close to him—he’s tired of the damn pattern. He doesn’t know if he could bear it, if he’d survive just one more voice echoing in his skull. (Or, Logan doesn’t want to lose Wade. So he digs his claws in and he doesn’t let go.))
  • i'm all talk (with a thorn in my side) by Edgebug (It's been too long. His brain is full of static, his body tight and miserable. Wade is fucking jonesing for another one of their games. "Whaddya say, big boy?" he wheedles. "A midnight run through the state park? You grab me and have your filthy way with me and then we get teriyaki? Then maybe you have your filthy way with me again?" Logan flashes a smile. "You really know how to woo a guy, don't you, Red?" "Helps when the guy has very, very simple needs," Wade teases, and Logan's eyes shine dark even as his teeth still smile. (In which Wade Wilson's coping mechanisms are normal and work great, thank you very much.))
  • instead of stressed i lie here charmed by Edgebug (Wade Wilson wakes up slowly. Dreamily. All he knows is warmth, softness. Comfort. There's a pleasant weight on his chest. Someone's using him as a combination pillow/teddy bear. Someone warm and solid and breathing softly against Wade's neck. Logan, Wade's brain helpfully supplies. You and Logan totally boned down sloppy style last night, remember? (In which Logan Howlett is a terrible, awful, no-good, very bad therapist but somehow his tactics work this time.))
  • (the time to watch the beast the best is when it's) purring at your side by Edgebug (The first time he hears it is actually in that goddamned Honda Odyssey. He's got Logan on his back, his blood is dripping into Logan's mouth, and the maniac grins, this ferocious, alight sort of smile, and right before Wade gets shot straight through the roof of the van, he swears that he can hear a low, steady rumble somewhere under all the wet sounds of blood-soaked breaths and angered growls. Since people don't purr, he's actually pretty sure it's a rattling wheeze; a horrible wet asthmatic sound because Wade has a knife in his lung, but that doesn't mean he's not going to be an asshole about it. "Aw, listen to that, is kitty purring?" Wade jeers, twisting his knife in Logan's chest. "Kitty's happy to get put in his place?" (In which people from Logan's universe have some interesting traits.))
  • Head in the Game by EroticMonsterSimp (“Damn freak, you can't be serious?” Logan spat out a bit of blood, running a hand through his hair. Before Wade could say anything back he was shoved to the ground, his hips landing harshly against the cement flooring. He cried out when a foot suddenly jammed between his legs, placed right atop his ever growing erection. “You're fucking hard.” Or Wade gets horny whenever Logan calls him "Bub." But this time it's in the middle of a fight.)
  • I Don't Want To Be A Fool For You by emkat123 (They fucked in that Honda. And Wade made a horrible mistake. He caught the worst possible STD: feelings.)
  • Newton's Third Law by capitalismwasamistake (“Come on, Wolfie, let’s not fight!” Wade sings as he evades the first swipe with an absurd dance move. “We’ll go dancing tomorrow night!” He retaliates with a kick to Logan’s jaw then both his katanas enter play. “Sorry, I know you wanted more of that song, but we don’t have the licensing budget. How about this instead? Stop!” “In the name of love–” “Before you break my heart–” *** Or, Logan is thrilled he can finally fight someone without holding back. Wade is horny and touch-starved. Oh, and there's The Problem.)


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